P T Flexindomas organized a staff retreat to Bandung from August 25th – 28th 2016 to celebrate its 25th Anniversary. We are very glad that Mr/Mrs Oei Han Siang , Mr/Mrs. Oei Han Tjing , Mr. Chew Hong , Mr. Ow CM , Ms. Cheong Ser Li and Mr. Mah ( FAS KL ) could join us for this occasion.

PT.Flexindomas has started since 1991 in Jakarta, and set up Cikarang branch office in 2014, PT.Flexindomas currently has 4 offices with the other three branches located at Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung.
With the hard work of all colleagues, good working relationship and cooperation from all principals and good support by Headquarter & CTT, I believe P T Flexindomas will further expand the business and climb to a greater height.