Production Performace Management
As a Manufacturer, you can see that the competition is growing every day. You need to secure your position by improving the operational efficiency, shorten the time-to-market and optimize the cost.
Before you know HOW to improve you need to understand:
- WHAT are the Production Losses?
- WHAT are the causes of Production Losses in manufacturing?
The Production Performance Manager will provide real-time production performance monitoring based on OEE & ANDON principles. The day-to-day production performance will help your company improve continuously. You gather and present information quick and easy. With this real-time information, your organization will benefit and is able to improve 360 degrees.
Production Performance Manager is one of our solutions and provides:
Collect : Extract & store the relevant production data
Visualize : Real-time shop floor information for direct troubleshooting
Analyse : Provides tools & report dashboards for direct insight
Improve : Production, maintenance & quality can act based on facts & figures
- Reduce the Production Losses
- Makes production process transparent
- Improve your productivity
- Collect automatically reliable real-time production information
Success Stories
For more information about our solutions references, you may click on the below.
Wireless Monitoring for Production Machine Status
Production Performance | OEE
Production Data Acquisition Using Wireless Tower Signal
Production Monitoring System Using SCADA Platform
Patlite Wireless Data Acquisition
Contact Us
For more information about our solution Production Performance Manager (Collaborative) Robotics, you can contact us here!