Flexible Automation System Sdn Bhd.


EH Series AZ

The EH Series is an electric gripper using a rack-and-pinion mechanism equipped with an AZ Series motor. The electric gripper is suitable for applications with It has a delicate grip to aid in automation and labor-saving.

Compact and small sized equipment
The electric gripper has a combination of small frame size and rack-and-pinion mechanism to give it a small size. The design of the gripper is also compatible with multi-surface installation making it optimal for installations on robot arms.

Real time motor status monitoring
Motor temperature, accumulated load, ODO/trip can be monitored

Compatible Network Types
The motor part adopts the αSTEP AZ series equipped with ABZO encoders that do not require batteries making it compatible with major FA networks used all over world, and contributes to centralized management of device information and reduced wiring. Compatible Networks includes EtherCat, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Mechatrolink-III, SSCNETII/H, ModBus (RTU)