Flexible Automation System Sdn Bhd.

Machine Automation & Control

As a Manufacturer, your production lines or machines are one of your most valuable assets. Each machine in your production line needs to have a high performance, should be flexible to use and easy to control. The machines or production lines needs to be reliable, available, maintainable and most important safe for your workers.

The solution Machine Automation & Control will help you to upgrade outdated production lines in the factory or develop new equipment and machines for the Original Equipment Manufacturers. The latest software-based technology and IIoT devices will be provided to achieve this goal.

With the solution Machine Automation & Control , your assets will be IIoT-Ready and able to provide data that will support maintenance, quality and production. Besides that, your assets will be Smart Factory-Ready for future centralized Factory Monitoring & Control supported by platforms like Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) or (Manufacturing Execution System (MES/MOMS).

Production Automation & Control is one of our solutions and provides:

  • Upgrade outdated production lines or machines to Smart Factory- or IIoT-Ready
  • Develop and implement Automation & Control for new machines
  • Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of outdated production lines or machines


  • Extend Life Cycle of assets
  • Upgrade assets to Smart Factory- or IIoT-Ready concept
  • Improve Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety of assets

Success Stories
For more information about our solutions references, you may click on the below.
Upgrade Control Automation System of Performing Machines
Conversion and Upgrade Control Automation System
Laser Marker Auto Load Program

Contact Us
For more information about our solution Machine Automation & Control, you can contact us here!